Historical Dance Classes – Cardiff

Mondays – Dance Through the Ages
Fridays – Baroque dance
Saturdays – Baroque dance

Mondays – Dance Through the Ages

From the Middle Ages to the Early Twentieth Century,
including the Elizabethan and English Regency periods.

Cyncoed Methodist Church Centre,
Westminster Crescent,
CF23 6SE
Google Maps Bing Maps Streetmap

Beginners welcome
(New students may like to read our Information for New Students)

Mondays, 7:00 – 9:00

Autumn Term 2024:

Mondays,  September 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th;  October 7th, 14th, 21st;
November 11th, 18th, 25th;  December 2nd, 9th, 16th

New students are welcome to join at any point in the term
and there is no requirement to attend every class.

Fees:  Weekly: £17 (low income £15, full-time students £8.50, couples £26)
For the term: £202 (low income £176, couples £286)
For the half-term: £101 (low income £88, couples £143)

For further information, please contact Philippa Waite,
Phone: 07976 374482
E-mail: philippa@ukbaroquedunce.com
(e-mail mangled to reduce junk-mail – please correct "dunce" to "dance")

Fridays – Baroque Dance

Baroque dance is a precursor of Classical ballet from the late 17th to
early 18th century, and was danced at royal balls and on the stage.

Cyncoed Methodist Church Centre,
Westminster Crescent,
CF23 6SE
Google Maps Bing Maps Streetmap

Fridays, twice monthly, 7:00 – 9:00

7:00 – 8:30:  All levels, beginners welcome
8:30 – 9:00:  Intermediate/advanced levels continue

New students may like to read our Information for New Students

Autumn Term 2024:

Fridays,  September 27th;  October 11th, 18th;  November 8th, 15th;  December 6th, 13th

New students are welcome to join at any point in the term
and there is no requirement to attend every class.

Fees, all-levels session only:

Fees on the day: £19.50 (low income £16, full-time students £10)
For the term: £123 (low income £98)

Fees, with intermediate/advanced session:

Fees on the day: £26 (low income £21, full-time students £14)
For the term: £165 (low income £133)

For further information, please contact Philippa Waite,
Phone: 07976 374482
E-mail: philippa@ukbaroquedunce.com
(e-mail mangled to reduce junk-mail – please correct "dunce" to "dance")

Saturdays – Baroque Dance

Hybrid online/in-person classes
(in-person details below)

Cyncoed Methodist Church Centre,
Westminster Crescent,
CF23 6SE
Google Maps Bing Maps Streetmap

Saturdays, monthly

3:15 – 5:00:  Dance: Entrée (Rondeau) by Kellom Tomlinson
5:15 – 6:30:  Technique for beginners/improvers, and
intermediate students wishing to clarify fundamentals. Hybrid online/in-person.

Autumn Term 2024:

Saturdays,  October 19th;  November 16th;  December 7th

Fees, technique:  Single session £25 (low income £20)
Series of 3: £60 (low income £48)

Fees, working on a dance:  Single session £33 (low income £27)
Series of 3: £87 (low income £69)

For further information, please contact Philippa Waite,
Phone: 07976 374482
E-mail: philippa@ukbaroquedunce.com
(e-mail mangled to reduce junk-mail – please correct "dunce" to "dance")