Services for Schools
"Steps Back In Time" and INSET workshops from the Middle Ages to the early twentieth century.
These workshops are primarily for Key stage 2 and 3 with links to History, P.E. (Dance) and Music in the National Curriculum 2000, however, workshops are available for Key Stage 1 and 4.

All workshops contain information on the manners (including bows) and costume of the period, as well as instruction in the popular social dances of the period such as Tudor, Victorian etc. More details.
INSET Training
INSET training for junior and secondary school teachers. No previous dance experience necessary. A variety of easy dances will be chosen to give participants a feel for the period(s).
Detailed written dance instructions and music tapes will be available at a reasonable cost.
More Information
For further information, or to discuss requirements, please contact Philippa Waite:
Phone: 07976 374482
(e-mail mangled to reduce junk-mail – please correct "dunce" to "dance")