Consort de Danse Baroque

Directed by Philippa Waite

Consort de Danse Baroque is a historical dance company offering performances, lecture-demonstrations, school workshops, and an annual Baroque dance summer school, as well as regular classes in Baroque and historical dance around the UK and abroad.

Upcoming classes & workshops

Regular in-person classes in Bath, Cardiff and Exeter.

Online Baroque dance, Baroque dance notation and Dance Through the Ages classes.

29th/30th March: Baroque dance weekend workshop, Bath.

20th – 25th April: Baroque dance workshop in Ashland, Oregon.

4th May: Baroque dance workshop in San Francisco Bay Area.

Mailing list

For updates about our classes, workshops and activities, please subscribe to our class mailing list or Facebook page.

For further information, please contact Philippa Waite:

Phone: 07976 374482
(e-mail mangled to reduce junk-mail – please correct "dunce" to "dance")